
15 incríveis transformações que mostram que vale a pena esforçar-se

Sente-se insatisfeito com o seu peso mas não tem motivação? É um caso típico: inscrevemo-nos no ginásio mas quase não vamos lá, ou até fazemos compras saudáveis mas acabamos por não resistir às tentações à nossa volta.

O resultado é que continuamos infeliz com a nossa imagem, e evitamos ao máximo o nosso reflexo no espelho.

Para ajudar e dar um empurrãozinho, deixamos de seguida o exemplo de 15 pessoas incríveis, tal como você, que conseguiram transformar-se:

  • A diferença em apenas 3 anos;

It's my favorite day of the week! #transformationtuesday ! & timehop came through with this little gem of a before picture. I remember that day being so aggravated bc I was outlet shopping with my mom and mammaw and I couldn't keep up! I was the one who kept having to go sit on the benches outside & I kept holding us up. I was so embarrassed to be the youngest one in the group, but the least physically able. &&&now I'm the one saying "one more store!" • • • It's an entirely different life & I'm so grateful it's mine now. I will never ever ever EVER take for granted all the things my body is more capable of doing now. I hope this entire community will say the same! • • • • #wls #fitfam #vsginstacrew #fattofitjourney #fattofit #obesetobeast #keto #ketotransformation #losingweightfeelinggreat #instagood #instadaily #ootd #vsg #vsgbeforeandafter #vsgcommunity #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #girls #ketodiet #ketoaf #fitness #extremeweightloss

Uma publicação partilhada por Jess-VSG (@watchkittyshrink) a

  • De 180kg para 78!

#motivationmonday I remember all the fad diets I would go on. They would always work for a short period if time and then I would gain all my weight back plus more. This time when I started my weight-loss Journey I knew I had to change my lifestyle. The way I was eating that this wasn't a diet this was going to be a forever changing event. I get asked what can I do to lose weight. I can tell you how to lose weight but it's really up to you. Tracking your food intake and working out you're going to lose weight. There isn't no magic diet or pill or surgery out there that's going to make you drop weight. It's simply calories in versus calories burned. Losing weight is hard but not giving up is harder. Down over 250 pounds and everyday I'm striving for a healthier me 💪❤ #nevergivingup ❤ – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – #200poundsdown #vsg #wls #vsgcommunity #obesetobeast #verticalsleeve #gastricsleeve #weightloss #girlswithpiercings #girlswithplugs #nerd #fatbabe #plussize #healthyliving #losingweight #stayingfit #postopvsg #weightlossjourney #motivation #vsgbabe #inspiration #goals #pseudotumorcerebri #pcos #autoimmunedisease #hypothyroidism #gastricsleevecommunity #150poundsdown

Uma publicação partilhada por Sandi| HW 420 | CW 169 ⬇ 251 | (@vsg_queendiet) a

  • Até parece que rejuvenesceu.

  • Passaram apenas 9 meses!

  • Nem parece a mesma…

  • Novamente, irreconhecível!

Early 2015 when I was just starting vs today. #TransformationTuesday

Uma publicação partilhada por Lindsey | 33 | NB CANADA 🇨🇦 (@getfitrockett) a

  • A diferença de 50kg a menos…

  • Veja só a diferença no rosto!

“It’s okay to be scared. Being scared means you’re about to do something really, really brave.” Sharing my story online was probably one of the most terrifying things I have ever done. I had so much anxiety about posting my first video about gastric bypass surgery and even more when I posted my first before and after photo on Instagram. I was so scared about the negative comments I might get that it almost kept me from posting at all. Somehow I managed to hit the post button that first time and I’m so glad that I did. The positive response I’ve gotten has been overwhelming. Obviously getting healthy will always be the number 1 benefit from having surgery and losing weight, but the courage that has come out of this whole experience is undoubtably number 2. Finally feeling brave enough to stand up for not only my self, but other people as well, is the most amazing thing to me. Have courage and be kind, friends. 💕 #facetofacefriday

Uma publicação partilhada por Kathleen (@kathleeng1112) a

  • Menos 100kg!

#motivationmonday lost over 300lbs, but never lost my smile. Be proud of yourself in your journey & remember we all start somewhere. Start today! —————————————————————————– DIETBET STARTS TODAY! Lets get paid to get lean in Summer 2018! Fedup & ready to spend the rest of this year fighting back for your health? Start summer strong with our tribe! Next dietbet starts 6/25! I joined my first dietbet in January 2016 when I started my journey & it helped me change my life! Time to change yours too & make those resolutions stick! Lose weight, share tips/recipes, giveaways including skype session with me, @fedupfam tees, @doughbardoughnuts, & get paid! Link in bio or #goals #motivation #fit #fitfam #obesetobeast #weightloss #weightlossjourney #motivation #fattofit #dietbet #diet #plussize #fitspo #excessskin #fitness #gym #anytimefitness #fitspo #losingweight #fedupfam #weightlosstransformation #transform #gymlife #fitnessmotivation #fedupfam #looseskin #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #extremeweightloss

Uma publicação partilhada por Lexiiii ❤ (@fatgirlfedup) a

  • A luta continua!

  • Inacreditável…

  • É difícil acreditar que é a mesma pessoa…

  • As mesmas roupas, mas uma grande diferença!

  • Uma mãe guerreira!

#⚡️🔙Friday🎊 Started from the bottom now we here.🤙🏻 I’m greatful for the highs & lows, the struggles and everything in between.💯🙏🏻 Working out overweight & carrying all those extra kilos was exhausting.😓 Being stuck in a body you don’t like and having no self confidence, drive or sense of direction was just a glimpse of what early motherhood was like for me.🤷🏻‍♀️ Instead of gaining more weight and having a pitty party👎🏻I decided to quit the shit🚫💩and get fit. JUST LIKE THAT🙌🏼 I started to put me first and never looked back!✨💕💪🏻 . #flashbackfriday #weightlosstransformation #fattofit #beforeandnow #weightlossmotivation #icanandiwill #thebestversionofme #healthyliving #fitness #fitmum #activelifestyle #strongnotskinny #cantstopwontstop #progressnotperfection #motheranddaughter #noexcuses #gym #gymmotivation #cleaneating #iifym #flexibledieting #strongwomen #whatsonmyplate #resultsdriven #consistancy

Uma publicação partilhada por Kashmir Jacobson (@fit.mum_underconstruction) a

  • Felicidade ainda mais genuína.

Deixe-se inspirar por estes casos de sucesso e PARTILHE!


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